By Creation Edges Desk
Aries: High spirits, professional success. Bask in glory, wear maroon. Lucky time: 10-11:30 am.
Taurus: Happy and peaceful. Expect pleasant news, spend time with loved ones. Lucky color: Deep red. Auspicious time: 4:30-5:30 pm.
Gemini: Feeling stressed, avoid hasty decisions. Take it slow, assess the situation. Lucky hour: 1-3 pm. Color: Purple.
Cancer: Ambitious and competitive, avoid aggression. Work on emotional balance. Moon in Sagittarius.
Leo: Lucky day, pending court cases in your favor. Seek professional advice. Focus on productivity. Moon in Sagittarius.
Virgo: Creative recognition, new job opportunities. Solve complex problems, gain respect. Lucky time: 11 am - 1 pm. Color: Turquoise blue.
Libra: Renewed relaxation, surprises and conversations. Resolve disputes, spend time with loved ones. Lucky hour: 3:30-5 pm. Color: Pink.
Scorpio: Feeling pulled in different directions. Prioritize tasks, maintain work-life balance. Focus on home and work. Moon in Sagittarius.
Sagittarius: Pay attention to home life, make creative changes. Refresh and renew your living space. Lucky time: 2-4 pm. Color: White.
Capricorn: Increased expenses, focus on decision-making. Trust instincts, be self-reliant. Lucky color: Violet. Schedule tasks between 3-4:30 pm.
Aquarius: Negative influence, trust instincts, make own decisions. Be the master of your life. Lucky color: Yellow. Plan tasks between 10-11 am.
Pisces: Carefree and fun-filled, strengthen relationships. Enjoy quality time with loved ones. Lucky color: White. Lucky hours: 11 am - 1 pm.