By Creation Edges Desk
Aries: Moon in Aries brings strong-mindedness, inspiration, and result-driven solutions, finish pending tasks, lucky color is magenta, luckiest time between 10-11 am.
Taurus: Moon in Aries brings confidence and ecstasy, trust your instincts for decision-making, wear forest green, avoid scheduling important work between 5:15-6:30 pm.
Gemini: Moon in Aries focuses on communication skills, complete tasks flawlessly, lucky color is green, auspicious time between 11 am-12 pm.
Cancer: Moon in Aries prefers evening get-togethers in public settings, going to popular places productive.
Leo: Moon in Aries cautions with words and actions, challenges on the domestic front, distract with happy activities, wear yellow, luckiest hour between 3-4 pm.
Virgo: Moon in Aries suggests spending time with loved ones, strengthen relationships, heightened anxiety, time between 10-11 am is auspicious, wear purple.
Libra: Moon in Aries brings conflicting emotions, engage in enjoyable activities to avoid stress, caution with health and finances, wear turquoise, avoid major decisions between 3-4 pm.
Scorpio: Moon in Aries warms up relationships, receive loving support, singles attract the opposite sex, don't rush into relationships, wear blue, auspicious time between 10 am-12 pm.
Sagittarius: Moon in Aries warns against being emotional and considerate, trust instincts and inner voice, listen to them for guidance, wear pink, auspicious hour between 4-5 pm.
Capricorn: Moon in Aries brings frustration and restlessness, face inner unrest strongly, indulge in hobbies between 5-6 pm, wear sapphire blue.
Aquarius: Moon in Aries heightens mental energy, new professional opportunities, start new projects, wear blue, luckiest time between 4-5 pm.
Pisces: Moon in Aries boosts energy and self-confidence, use positivity for professional success, seek inspiration, complete pending work, wear red, auspicious time between 4:45-5:45 pm.